Art & Artists from New Mexico and the Southwest

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art & artists, southwest
Web Services

The purpose of this online Gallery is to promote the art and artists of Southern New Mexico to the rest world and to help the artists of our wonderful area to expand their exposure to fellow residents, visitors and future visitors. An artist does not need to be currently on the Internet or even own a computer to take advantage of this technology.

We are pleased to offer the following services and would be interested in discussing any other ideas that artists may have that involves the use of the Internet to market their creations.

Single pages ( 8" x 10") with one image,  One time setup .......$50

Scanning of additional images for display on the Internet..... $15 each

Complete artist Web sites...... start at $200

Monthly hosting of pages or sites in the Gallery..... $60 for 3 months,  $90 for 6 months, $120 for 12 months

Listing of your Web page with top 6 search engines..... $50

Classified advertising..... 1-25 word ads are $15/mo. Each add'l word is $0.25/mo

Banner advertising..... $50 ad design & layout plus $5/mo for space. (6 month minimum)

E-mail printing and forwarding for those without computer access..... $0.50 per message plus postage.

For more information or to order our services...
E-mail or phone (505) 523-0505



If you are an artist living in New Mexico call or visit the Frame & Art Center for details on getting your free Web page. The Mesilla Valley.Net Artists Gallery is sponsored by the Frame & Art Center - Las Cruces, New Mexico. This Web site & graphics were designed & produced by Art Schobey Photo-Graphics - Las Cruces, NM.