Google AuthorshipIn following with Google’s desire to provide more relevant, authoritative search results, Google Authorship was born to actually rank individual author’s work. If you create content online, participating in Google Authorship gives you an advantage over the competition through Author Rank. When Google recognizes you as an authority in your field, so will those searching for your content.

The Basics of Google Authorship

If you thought Google+ was just for socializing with friends, think again. Google+ lets you create a professional profile that connects to any original content you’ve created online. Google Authorship first hit the radar in 2011 and since then it’s evolved into a powerful tool for ranking yourself on Google. When you list your work with Google Authorship through your Google+ profile, your picture appears beside search results where you’re the author.

Seeing a professional image beside a result helps establish yourself as a respected brand. Plus, if someone clicks your byline from a search result, they are taken to your Google+ profile where they can then see a custom Google search of all your content. If a visitor likes your content and stays on the site, Google will showcase additional results from you once the person returns to the search results or searches again.

 Basically, you build a solid reputation, gain more views and even increase your popularity on Google+.

 How Does Author Rank Fit In

Author Rank is the hidden gem of Google Authorship. A combination of social and engagement factors are used to rank Google Authorship participants. Google intends to rank verified profiles higher than those without Google Authorship or a Google+ profile. By using the Google+ network, Google hopes to reduce spam and protect author’s content by showcasing the real author behind the work.

The main problem is Author Rank is still being implemented into Google’s algorithms. Finding the right combination of ranking factors to ensure content creators are ranked fairly takes time. In fact, Google Authorship still has a few issues from time to time. However, Google is still perfecting both.

Join In Now to Establish Yourself

Google Authorship and Author Rank are still relatively new. Early adopters are already seeing the benefits. The more authors that sign up, the easier it will be for Google to determine the correct ranking factors for Author Rank. Establishing yourself now will help you shoot to the top of the ranks once everything is completely in place. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, blogger, freelancer, book author or any other type of content creator, this free program is an amazing way to finally brand yourself not only in search results, but on a popular social network.

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